Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby girl names...Help!

Brandon and I finally had a chance to sit down and talk about baby names tonight. I have to say having to name three girls is HARD! We have some wonderful boy names picked out, but alas, here we are once again having to come up with a girl name. We have narrowed our choices down to three and litterally can not choose between them. We asked both Peyton and Amber today which one they liked best and everytime we asked them they had a different answer, so they were not much help. So I decided to go ahead and take a poll here on my blog. Not that the winning name will necessarly be the one we choose but maybe it will give us some perspective. I also like the idea of waiting until we meet her to give her a name so most likely that is what we will do, but in the mean time we would like your input! :) So here are the three choices!
What do you think?


Unknown said...

I vote Paige

Jill said...

I like Paige!

Melissa said...

I like Eden

SBethuel said...

I like Eden. And funny Ryan and I never agreed to a boy name. Guess it was meant to be.