Dear Peyton,
I just spent the day with you, much like I do everyday, but today as I watched you play with your friends at the park, ride your new bike, pick flowers in our yard and dance to your wiggles I was taken back by how big you are! how did you get to be so big! I found myself holding conversations with you and you understood me and I understood you...I am almost in tears just thinking of how fast your childhood is going to fly by and I feel like everyday that goes by is one less day to spend with you as my little girl and that makes me so sad.
When you were born I never dreamed that I would be blessed with such a beautiful, smart, funny, sweet little girl as you. Not even in my best dream could I have created you and that is why God is so cool! Before you were born your Dad and I talked about raising you and our biggest hope was that we would raise a daughter who was full of love. Love for all ,even those who are different or less fortunate than you. Today as you were picking flowers you told me that you were picking flowers for your aunt Laurie. As I watched you skip into Laurie's room and place your flowers on her bed I realized that our wish for you was already coming true because even though you are only two you made the day of a handicapped women and that meant a lot to me.
I hope that in the years to come your heart when only grow bigger for the "least of these." I look at your little face and I am convinced that you are going to change the world! I only hope that I do my part in raising you to use the gifts and talents that God has given you and when the time is right I will be able to let you go.
All my love,

gosh kendra that made me cry.
she really is a blessing isn't she?
OH yer turning into such a sap!! LOL I love it... i teared up a bit too. I'm so proud of you Kendra! Look what you made! and continue to make! I'm just glad you are going through all this first so you can help me out when it's my turn!
You're right, she is an amazing girl! And she has amazing parents raising her :) And she is growing up WAY to fast. Love you!
Ok I started to cry on that one. What an amazing mom you are and I know someday Peyton is going to write you a letter that's just as amazing.
I can't wait to see you. LOVE YOU!
You are truly blessed to have a little girl who is so beautiful both inside and out! And she is truly blessed to have a mommy and daddy who invest so much love and goodness into her life!
And....YaYa is crying! Full on tears streaming down my face, ruining my makeup right before class and everything!
I love both you girls SO SO much! It is true that Peyton is a wonderful blessing but so are you friend and it is clear to me that God has blessed you (through Peyton) with the desire of your heart because of the faithful child you have been to Him! It is hard to remember life without that sweet girl but when I do think back to that time I am reminded of how much you have grown and how much hard work you put into yourself, your marriage and life to prepare for her. You are reaping the rewards now! Love you friend!
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