Gizdich ranch is a farm here in Santa Cruz that you can go and pick your own seasonal fruit. The Marchassault's had gone and told us how much fun it was so they were kind enough to go again with us. It was a delicious day all around. here are some fun pics of our strawberry adventure.

The Dad's took it upon themselves to carry the babies they did not apreciate us wives calling them "cute" but we could not help ourselves, don't you agree?

Caleb and Peyton LOVED running through the fields and picking strwaberries they even ate a few right off the bush...shhhhh don't tell :)

My pretty strawberry girl. Yes I put this dress on her because I knew how cute the pictures would be in it. hey atleast I admit it! :)

this pretty much sums up their relationship....awwww black mail for the jr high years!

this is a picture that peyton drew of the strawberry fields. When I asked her about it she told me they were sad strawberries. I asked her why they where sad she said because they lost their mommy and daddy. I was confused by this until I told my friend sarah about what she said. She thinks in Peyton's head we ate the mommy and daddy strawberry's and left the babies still in the field. Makes sense? what do you think?

that night we decided to have a strawberry feast back at our house so the kids played while we made dinner.

Strawbwrry margaritas, strawberry salsa over grilled chicken and strawberry salad. Yum! And of course we did not forget dessert!

Such a wonderful day with good friends and strawberrys nothing could be sweeter. We had such a good day we decided to make it a tradition. hopefully there will be several more strawberry days in the years to come with us and the Marchassaults!