So I learned on Dr. Phil today that he has all his guests fill out something that is called 10 * 7 * 5 (10 Defining moments in your life, 7 critical choices you have made, 5 pivotal people that have written on the slate of who you are.) So I decided to go ahead and fill this out for myself. Who knows maybe I will learn something. So this is more for me than anyone else but if you care read on...
10 defining moments in my life
1. Going to a healing service when I was three and getting healed from a milk allergy. I know I was young but I remember this moment and I thank God for that memory because it was the first time I truly knew in my heart that Jesus was real!
2. Winning the Title of the best baton twirler in the region and realizing hard work and confidence pays off.
3. The first time I shared Christ with a homeless black man when I was 15 years old in the streets of Atlanta during the olympic games. The man rejected me and Christ and I was crushed. I sat in the street crying and realizing just how much I loved Jesus and how important it was to me that others did too!
4. Driving through the streets of Honduras and seeing poverty for the first time.
5. Meeting Josh Hunt during an open house for high school and falling in love at first site. That moment lead to an 8 year relationship that was truly heart wrenching.
6. Praying for a fellow team member to be healed while in Africa and she was!
7. Walking to a college class after spending the whole night studying with this squirrely little freshman named Brandon and realizing that I could not wipe the smile off my face. It was then that I knew I could love again.
8. All of brandon and I mentors laying hands on us and praying for us during our wedding ceremony and being moved to tears because I realized that everything I had ever dreamed of or hoped for was comng true!
9. Taking a pregnancy test and seeing that little pink line for the first time and coming to grips with the fact that my life as I knew it would never be the same.
10. waking up in the hospital the night after my baby was born in panic because I thought she wasn't was that moment that I knew I was truly a mom!
7 critical choices I have made
1. Signing up to go on my first 3 month mission trip when I was 15 years old
2. Walking forward during an alter call to comite my life to full time ministry
3. choosing to go to Azusa Pacific University
4. Saying "Yes" to marry Brandon
5. closing my dance studio
6. Choosing to go ahead and try to have a 2nd child
7. making the decision to move to Santa Cruz
5 pivitol people who have written on the slate of who I am
1. My Father
2. My baton Coach who taught me to be the best I can be
3. Josh Hunt my first boyfriend
4. Rita My mission trip leader who was the first person to believe in me and the call God has on my life
5. Brandon
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Happy Heart Day!
Last night at Life group we were talking about time management and how we are all just to darn busy! Blah blah blah heard it all before right!? Well Rachel's mom, who is not usually at life group but here because Rachel just had a baby, shared that when she looks back at being a young mom she wonders if she was really "Present" in her children's lifes or if she just got caught up doing life around them. I suddenly began to feel very convicted. I am totally guilty of doing life around my kids and not always necessarily with them. I often spend my days putting tv show after tv show on for Peyton, or plopping her in front of her coloring book or playdoe set hoping to buy just a few more quiet moments so that I can get that load of laundry done, or the dishes, or check my e-mail or maybe watch a tv show or two, and before you know it the day is over and I start the whole process over again. I guess I just realized that months had gone by and the moments that I actually was truely present with my child were few and far between. So today I decided to try out this new way of living and try to live life to the fullest with my child, and you know what?? it was one of the most fullfilling days I have had in along time! I decided to take the scary trek to the beach all by myself with the two girls...yes it took me two hours to get them ready and out the door...yes there were a few melt downs...yes their were messes to clean up and boo boo's to kiss but by the end of the day we were singing and laughing on our way home and I found myself completly and utterly satisfied! So today the house is a mess...I don't have dinner ready...and there is laundry to do but I have a happy kid and more importatly a happy heart and that is all that really matters!

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